Butch McAlister & Clay Russell
wish I had a better quality version of this picture. but such a hot couple! You may remember them in William Higgins’ The Boys of Venice and Nova Films’ Head for the Showers, as well as Marine Set Up; I think McAlister was in only one other film, part of Cosco’s Earth Man series, Call Me Ruf and Ready – I think I have one of the Earth Man magazines and have posted a pic or two. (McAlister was known as John Towers in all but the Higgins film).
and before i get lectured again, I no longer confuse Butch McAlister with Butch Barnes!! (Butch McAlister = John Towers; Butch Barnes = Rick Masters)

updated pic
2 replies on “McAlister Russell”
Not so fast! I still want to lecture you! Come on, you know you love it! ; )
added, rather that reposted, a better version of the original pic – now with less trimming!