So, the other night I am out, and the DJ puts on Cerrone’s Super Nature, and I go into an early 80’s acid flashback to sitting in the Bijou Theater in Chicago, trying to figure out the first time I heard the tune, knowing it was most definitely a gay porno movie. No matter how hard I tried, I could only guess that it was most likely from a Nova Films movie, but which one?
So last night I zipped through the above videocassette, which contains 3 NOVA FILMS shorts: Caught in the Act (starring Buddy Preston, Joe Fuller, and Sam Hall – who catches the first two “in the act”); Young and Ready (starring Rusty Evans and Dino D’Angelo); and finally Policeman’s Ball (starring Guy Tait and Nick Coxe) – nope, plenty of overdubbed voices and disco-y music, but no Cerrone.

Then I tried How I Got The Story, (a collection featuring How I Got The Story, with Michael Christopher and Beau Matthews in a very hot pairing) and other than being irritated by the annoying music for the first feature (you’ll notice some disagreement on that note in the comments over here); and the second feature, Double Deal, with Jeff Wells and Mike DeMarco, which seemed to have a “dub” or instrumental version of a William Higgins’ theme from Members Only or These Bases are Loaded; and finally, Photo Play (with Quinn Curtis and Adam Stuart) – nice fashion show of clingy tiny clothes, before they give up on the pretense of a photo shoot and get into the sex, with various Casio-sounding tinny themes, then something with a drum, but alas, no Cerrone!
this is gonna take awhile, but fortunately for my time (but not my collection) I don’t have all the Nova films – but what if it’s not in a Nova Film, but maybe a Higgins??? Aaaarrrggghhhh!

4 replies on “Nova Project”
So I’m only five or so years late on replying to this post, better late than never? Check out the Nova compilation Heat Waves from 1982:
I heard a few Cerrone songs here, Supernature starts at 26:20 and plays for about a minute and a half. Could this have been what you saw at the Bijou, or maybe you have/had this video tape back when? I also recognized the disco song about the Ultimate Warlord and Patrick Cowley’s Megatron Man a few times on the soundtrack, as it were.
Excellent! I will have to check this out – one note of caution, I watched the first minute, and the poster starts with the box cover art – but the MIDNIGHT MEN cover art, a company that notoriously has abbreviated versions of classics. GEVI has the collection showing 6 short films (https://www.gayeroticvideoindex.com/V/7/1407.html) – is it possible in 44 minutes? yes, but….. that’s less than 6 minutes each…. i skipped ahead, the last movie is PinBall Wizard, notably the 6th of 8 on the GEVI website…. more homework!
The uploader has a bunch of vintage porn he has put on there, and I’ve noticed that he adds an intro to each full film with a few close-up pics of some promo material, movie posters and the like. Even with that it looks closer to the shorter 43 minute Midnight edit than the original 50 minutes … but even this longer one would have been edited and compiled from the original Nebula loops (and that would have been the step when the music was added). Each of the loops are short but I couldn’t tell if they were all that short to begin with, or trimmed down either to make them all fit on one tape or to remove somebody peeing or fisting, or the other things that tended to get axed.
I vaguely remembered seeing this post before, and when Supernature (great song) started playing I thought of you and found it by searching your blog. It could easily have been in other films or compilations too but I thought I’d see if this was what you were trying to remember.
Finally (teasing you here) you have been bitching about Costello’s “Make Love To Me” song for YEARS now, it must have really hit a nerve when you first heard it ;) Admittedly it does go on and on, and on and on so the repitition is maybe why.
P.S. I liked The Big Weenie the most, that one was clever and I thought the guys were both hot.
quick reply – YES! I’ve downloaded from him before! I can’t imagine Nebula having fisting, but who knows??! for some reason I associate that Cerrone tune with Giorgio Canali – shouldn’t be too hard to confirm or keep looking – only Jock Itch 2 and It’s the Life – oops, just checked that one, not it!