Richard Locke


(pretty sure I’ve posted this link before, but what the heck)

Living, Dying, and Mr. In-Between: A Biographical Fragment of Robert and Richard Locke

COSCO Studios Fred Halsted


from Three Day Pass

"vintage" porn stars

Honcho, 1981

Myles Longue



guess. too easy, or too hard?

"vintage" porn stars

Round Up (1975)

gosh, I know I’ve posted about this before, but Joe Markham, Bert Edwards, David Price, and falcon model 1 ?

"vintage" porn stars

New Man

From the previous posting from this magazine, one of you pointed out that Ed Wiley and Holtz seemed to have been paired off only once on film, in Ramcharger (to be exact, Ramcharger 2 and Ramcharger 3) – which I think is true, and these pics aren’t from that. I know Holtz from the film Cruising the Castro. Anyone recognize the tune from the clip? And finally, Holtz has been in only one other film, Falcon’s Badlands (or, more precisely, Loft to Let) with Kirk Mannheim and Jack Egan.

"vintage" porn stars

Summer Fantasy

Scott Nichols and Jeff Starr

The video, Summer Fantasy (1982), I sold back in 2001 (video box pictures below); the magazine, SummerFantasy , I sold back in 2006. Oh wait, I had two magazines, Summer Fantasy pt. 1, and Summer Fantasy pt.2 . I wish I had saved the video, if only to get more details on my notes regarding the soundtrack – “soundtrack: an instrumental “theme” song, sounds of waves crashing, animal noises and disco – like right now during the 4-way, it’s “I’m so excited” (who’s that by??)”