

5 replies on “caption?”

I know that Ed Wiley and Holtz made “Ramcharger” together in the outdoors, but I don’t think this is from that, because of the indoor setting. Could this be from a print magazine only? I’ve seen other pictures on Tumblr, like it. I really liked both Wiley and Holtz, because they were rugged and masculine. Neither of them were conventionally handsome. Holtz in particular, was aesthetically challenged, to put it politely. Yet they both still had plenty of sexual magnetism.

No Tab Hunter, you’re right. But all the better for it. When I was an 18 yr old twink college student, new to NYC, and visiting the peep shows on the then-gritty 42nd street, it was men like Wiley and Holz (in the mags and in the booths) that fired my dreams.

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