"vintage" porn stars

Ken Savage

AKA Ken Bergquist

who you may remember from such films as Chain Reactions, Auditions for a Master, Care and Training of the Male Slave, Joys of Self Abuse , and Master Barber

3 replies on “Ken Savage”

I used to live near Ken when he lived in upstate New York. I was young and inexperienced and knew nothing or knowing about BDSM except what my fantasies were. I would visit Canada’s weather shop and ask him questions and he would tell me things and he was actually the first real gay weather man that I ever knew and whether he knows it or not he got me started on my road into the community.

This subboi had the extreme honor of meeting Master Savage back in the early 2000’s when he still lived in the Capital District of NY.
Sir allowed this one to partake of His “assets” and used this one a few times for His enjoyment. Was downcast when He and His partner moved to another State.

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