For the last 5 or 6 years, I’ve had at least a week, and as long as 11 days off in mid/late September, but this time could only manage a long weekend. Gorgeous weather, relaxing whale watch, stops at must go to places (Wired Puppy, Cafe Heaven, Herring Cove Beach, KOHI Coffee, Fanizzi’s, Montano’s, Stop N Shop…..) late morning snuggling with the BF (now fiance’), bike riding and long walks, seal spotting….. all good stuff, but just not enough time!
5 replies on “long weekend”
“…And at my back/ I always hear/ Time’s winged chariot/ drawing near…”
Here’s a little shaft of envy from the Midwest. Looks great!
Fiance? Awesome! You bring joy to my heart. You are having such a good time all around. Your pics, as usual, are wonderful. The first image (the one with the face silhouetted against the sunset) is stunning!
Awww, thanks. The first pic is of my man.
Beautiful, as always.