"vintage" porn stars Jack Wrangler


Jack Wrangler and George Payne

previous posts:
Santa wears a jockstrap
Christmas present… Christmas present… Christmas present…

8 replies on “NavyBlue_mag.JPG”

Hey, BJ honey!

I’ve wanted to reply to this post, but not until I found this specific picture, from this publication. I used to own it. I’m so glad the comment section isn’t crowded. : )

I like this magazine photo, BJ. But the borders around the image look so mangy – eye sore! I’m so glad you posted a cropped version of this, much preferred – easier on the eyes! : 0

As I’ve said before, my two favorite, Jack Wrangler films, are “Navy Blue (1979)” with George Payne; and “Heavy Equipment (1977)”, with Roger aka Tom Garrett. In both cases, Wrangler has screen partners that are handsomer, than he is! : )

I agree with the general consensus, that Casey Donovan was the first, “famous” gay porn star. But as I’ve also said before, in my opinion, Jack Wrangler; was the first “Porn Divo”! : )

I really think he raised the bar, to how good a porn performer could be – talent, looks, AND sexual enthusiasm! He deserved his own documentary! : 0

Since he came from a show business family, he knew the value of publicity, ambition, acting, working out, humor, personality, sex appeal, etc. He also had a pleasant, resonant, speaking voice. : )

That helped him transition from silent loops, to feature films with plot lines, and audio. His films were among the first porn flicks, which actually had a story – for example, “Gemini (1977)”.

Now by “acting ability”, I don’t mean a great, technical, thespian range or skill. We’re not talking about tackling Shakespeare, or the Greek tragedies. : /

I’m only talking about showing personality, plus having conviction and comfort, in reciting dialogue. Porn is always in desperate need of personality. He even acted on stage. But I digress…



(I hope to God, this link below works! Otherwise, this reply is completely moot!) : l

You can call me a squish, but I absolutely love this picture, of Jack and George making out – so moving! It’s one of the classic porn images, which I carry in my heart and mind – sexual heat and warm affection!

It’s among the various porn images, which really strike a chord in my soul! : 0

*SIGH* Ah, be still my heart, AND dick! LOL! Wrangler and Payne; were a dynamic duo! : )

They looked great together – what chemistry! Jack especially, always gave 100% – so passionate and sexual! I eat up all the physical details in this image! I love how their bodies are positioned. The way they reach out to each other. The expression on their faces, especially Jack’s! : )

And of course, I just LUV how Jack’s big, thick, cock, rests on George’s knee! Jack’s not faking it! His desire and passion are real! Note his aching expression! : P

This scene scored by Ravel’s “Bolero”, really does deliver! It’s the perfect pay-off, after the teasing, sexy prelude earlier; of “Christmas present… Christmas present…” scored by “Space” by Magic Fly! ; )

I know it’s only July, but I think finding this picture, is a Christmas present, in itself – finally! : )

Now, I’m going to also post this image below, to demonstrate that Jack; had a respectable acting range! He could show both love AND lust; and make the audience, distinguish between the two! : )

All his films with Roger; were all about pure, unadulterated LUST! No need to kiss, or get mushy. : )

Here’s a familiar, locker still from “Hot House (1977)”! Look at the expression on Jack’s face, as he cruises Roger – smoldering! It’s completely different, to how he looks at George Payne – wonderful! Bravo! : )

I LUV the flagrant way, he flaunts his nudity and big cock! : P

He’s not messing around! He means business – hot action! FUCK YEAH! LOL! : )

I’ll talk about “Heavy Equipment (1977)” in a later post. : )

Wasn’t Jack Wrangler wonderful, BJ baby? With fans like you and I, he’ll never be forgotten! : D

Porn may not be an art. But Jack Wrangler, among others, proved that there was an art, to porn! : P

Ah, BJ honey! So many great posts! So little time! : (

; )

RATS! : /

The link didn’t attach! : (

However, if you copy the complete URL, paste it in your search engine, then press enter. It should work! Or maybe you can fix it, BJ honey! : D

You’re the whiz-kid! ; )

sorry, couldn’t figure out what that was – “jpg” was in your URL twice, that alone seemed odd

It works for me if you do as obsessed said, copy the entire address (from the https to the second jpg) then paste it into a new tab. I have a feeling if I were to try and copy the link into this comment the same thing would happen, and it would break it off. Not sure why there are two .jpg’s in the address but it is a nice pic, though it would have been even better if George’s beautiful dick was visible too – as it is his leg is obstructing it. But Jack’s does look nice and thick resting against George’s other knee.

FABULOUS! To quote Lennon and McCartney:

“Oh, I get by, with a little help, from my friends”! : D

Let me bow at the feet, of my porn buddies, BJ and zephyr! : )


Ah, this picture, was just too good, to let go! Now I can savor it, when I need a shot of warmth and lust! : )

(I won’t hold it against you BJ, that you’ve been withholding this image, for personal reasons.) : 0

I knew you could do it, BJ! You’re the whiz-kid! I’m such an idiot, with anything technical! : (

There’s got to be a way, to figure out if an image link will break, if you try to post it! Oh, for the days of Tumblr – always dependable! Remember when? With me, it’s either, hit or miss – so frustrating now!

Isn’t Adonis Male, a fantastic website, BJ? You should know; I’ve seen your comments! : )

There’s such potpourri of images, but which ones will stick? : /
Should I still take my chances? Is it worth it? Well, at least THIS image was! : )

zephyr, my breath of fresh air! Thank you especially, for adding your two cents worth – so cool and breezy! I need all the help, I can get. Sorry, that I wasn’t clear enough! *SPANKY-SPANKY!* for me!

Jack and George; are worth the pain! LOL!

I’m so honored, that both of you, have my back! And I’m not talking about my backside! Let’s be clear! LOL! : )

Bless both of you! xoxoxo

Ah, dear friends, so many great posts! So little time! And TOO many obstructions! : /

; )

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