who put this cowboy in jail???

(edit: from – Rocks and Hard Places – 1978)
You don’t see a lot of 90’s porn here at BJLAND, but both these men are pretty darn hot. Pic is from a Stroke magazine I sold some time ago, but I kept a few scans of Steve Regis and Phil Bradley getting it on in scene from the 1993 video, Sex Crimes.
you may remember him from such films as: Le Voyeur (he gets topped in this one, I think), Centurians of Rome, (must be a group scene?) Head Waiter, Pier Groups, and of course Killing Me Softly. Check out the Killing Me Softly movie trailer – this is the one where Kovacs gets f*cked, then strangled with a jockstrap on the Brooklyn Bridge. Another favorite of mine is Pier Groups – he plays a straight guy wandering around the notorious West Side Piers while guys have sex all around him, and he never joins in!