"vintage" porn stars

Mr King

According to this bio (and videography) Jack Deveau turned Jon down! oh good lord! I wasn’t able to find the full 2-page centerfold (the lower half is a few posts down; the magazine actually had 2 2-page pics of Jon!) but here’s a bunch more pics.

"vintage" porn stars

Blueboy IV (1976)

I know I’ve posted sometime ago…. this guy’s tattooed butt – and probably another time as well, but can’t find it.

"vintage" porn stars


does anyone else think these adult only stickers are silly? They ain’t really covering up enough to make it “child-friendly” right?

"vintage" porn stars music in gay porno


Not sure where I nabbed the animated gif, but I am fairly certain this is from the film Casey , where Ken Donovan got his “stage name,” and where Casey has a 2nd role in the film, as Wanda Uptight (pictured on the right)! In fact, if memory serves me right, I think it is Casey’s alter ego Wanda who is getting flipped off here.

music in gay porno NOVA films pornoclips

name the tune (please?)

From Nova FilmsMAIN ATTRACTION. Jeff Scott is walking by a bar, peers inside and sees hunky Bo Richards working in the empty bar. He goes in, orders a beer, and immediately imagines a “hot scene” – which of course is Bo dancing! I don’t have the whole 4 minute dance sequence, so this will have to do. I know it’s a repost, but from over 10 years ago. But seriously, I would love to know what the tune is!

update: yeah! tune identified – Substitute by Liquid Gold

reader Zephyr turned me on to this convert-youtube-to-mp3 site – thanks!

"vintage" porn stars

staples not included

guess who?

"vintage" porn stars

How do you say SCHNOZZ?

i dunno, I’ve always loved this guy’s big schnozz!