So, his only (known) film is Alter Ego, a sorta solo – can anyone with keen eyes figure out who’s in this brief clip with him? (someone with some facial scruff of some sort)
So, his only (known) film is Alter Ego, a sorta solo – can anyone with keen eyes figure out who’s in this brief clip with him? (someone with some facial scruff of some sort)
From a short, Round Up, which was produced in 1974 or 1975, (I’ve seen 1977, but I doubt that) which later appeared in a collection called Male Stampede; starring one of my faves, Joe Markham, plus Bert Edwards, some guy named David Price, and good ol’ “Falcon Model #1” (who I think is the beefier guy in the ‘stache).previous posting on Round Up, and more Joe Markham postings.
Al Parker, Casey Donovan, Chad Benson, Dick Fisk, Jeff Turk; odd that Jeff Turk is credited only as having a cameo in the first scene; but this little preview clearly shows him joining the last scene as the 5th guy, right? (not to mention he’s kissing Al in the top right photo here!)
Target Studios model Brian Dexter, and….(Doug)?