Month: January 2014
GAYRACULA (repost)

Director: Roger Earl (1983)
Starring: Tim Kramer, Steve Collins (as the Marquis de Suede), Michael Christopher, Rand Remington, Randal Butler, Ray Medina (AKA J. W. Stone, Julio Campas), Max Cooper (aka Max Montoya), Doug Weston, Douglas Boston, David McNeil

Pics from the 1979 magazine MALE No 6 – more here: tube socks and balls
Truck #7
guess who?
Falcon’s 1992 movie, Overload, Al Parker’s last porno film. The description at GEVI isn’t quite right, if memory serves me. There it says: “Legendary erotic icon Al Parker is eager to put his restored foreskin to use…so he calls buddy Craig Slater over for a session of sucking, pumping, toys and assplay. These studs probe stretch and pound their way into an overload of exhilaration.” (Some commas might be useful in that last sentence, unless “probe stretching” is a sex act I am not yet familiar with). From what I remember, Craig Slater is the one who calls Al, after he finds an escort ad for Al, and asks Al if he can do to him what he did to Casey Donovan in The Other Side of Aspen. If you have the edited version of Aspen or Overload, then you’ll miss the fisting scene.

Al’s actual last appearance in a movie is also from 1992, but he’s just in the music video tagged on to the end of Fast Idle.
For some other pics of Al, check out the Al Parker Album
love the sheets!

From the Nova film A Friend in Need, (which can be found in the collection 4 in Hand), with Mark Newman and Ross Franklin. What bands are on those posters?