"vintage" porn stars

that’s Mr. Halsted to you

Heatstroke Joe Gage pornoclips

That’ll be one beautiful buck, baby.



OK, I know the bulk of this posting is a re-post from 2008, but as I often do latenights on Tuesdays, I was glancing at my referrals on SITEMETER, and saw a link from EROSblog commenting on the original post from back in April of 2008. Click the link if you dare, but it’s all sorts of crazy naked lady stuff over there (so I close my eyes and just read the wonderful text when I vist!) But it reminded me what a great clip this is from my all-time favorite gay porno movie, and knew i should re-share it with y’all – but read the warning below, first!

Director: Joe Gage (1982)

Starring:Roy Garrett, Casey Donovan, Richard Locke, Clay Russell, Clinton Coe, Bud Wallace, John Steele, Richard West, Suzanne Tyson, Bob Shane (non-sex role, alas!) and of course, The Gage Men.

I can only hope you read the warning! danger! before clicking for the clip. It’s from my all-time favorite (porno) film, BUT it involves a chick. To my closest friends who know me as a Kinsey 8, the fact that I can not only watch, but actually enjoy this scene is bewildering. Roy Garrett goes to the local porno shop (in rural Montana in 1982 – willing suspension of disbelief, anyone?) and winds up feeding dollars to Jolene (wonderfully portrayed by Suzanne Tyson, who you no doubt remember form the 1981 classic, Wanda Whips Wall Street, but I digress….) and doing terrible, disgusting, sickening things – meaning he touches “it”, she touches her own “it”, he even…. oh, I can’t even type it… but there’s also these two other guys watching, and watching each other. It’s not about gaysex, it’s about Male Bonding (with a vengeance, as the video box says)


bonus points to whoever can identify the str8 porno on the screen Rory sees before coming upon Jolene’s booth.

oh yeah, it’s a ten-minute clip, so be patient while downloading

And when will this get released on DVD? Ever???? And how can I get a copy of the theme song – the actual movie version of the theme song ( i love Man Parrish ) but the video version (as you can tell from watching the clip) is all electronic voice, and reminds me of back in the 80’s sitting in the porno theater with my hand in my pants and my…. you get the picture…. enjoy the clip!

"vintage" porn stars

Bundle of Macho

those old Advocate newspapers are good for somethin’!

update: How ’bout a the opening clip from Hot Truckin’?

El Paso Wrecking Corp. Jack Wrangler Joe Gage KCTC L. A. Tool & Die Richard Locke

it’s rated X, so come with a grown-up

oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! is it true? finally? really???? and i had to find out about it through……. eBay??????? Not to be taken in by some eBay seller (the HUSTLER DVD release of the Trilogy last year turned out to be what I had expected, just the 3 versions previously released on DVD, just all on one disc with nothing new or interesting… paid 10 bucks to find that out – the things i do for my research!!!), I went to the source, Joe Gage’s website, scrolled down past some cocks and promos for his new stuff (lookin’ good!) and more cocks and some pop culture stuff, and then, in the same posting as some amateur jockstrap pics, I see the image of the three boxes (look closely at the EPWC pic, I swear it’s the image of my EPWC box over here on my GAGETAPE page – look at the dents! but I digress…) Click through, more clicks, find it, click again, and for 36 bucks, the promise of 240 minutes, from Director Joe Gage – The Remastered Trilogy. The page itself says the EPWC watersports scene is restored, Gage’s comments on his site mention the opening scene from EPWC is restored (Fred Halsted and Richard Locke doing shots and playing with a gun, getting fired from, oh you know all this, Kansas City Trucking Company then….) – yeah! but, but, what about the watersports scene in KCTC? What about the not-incest/implied incest scene in EPWC? and the orgy scene form that film that was chopped up, too? And was there anything missing from my copies (yes, I have multiple VHS copies) of L A Tool & Die???

so many questions, so little money in the bank right now! OK, so guys, go the Ray Dragon site above and check out the trailer – 3 trailers rolled into one, and then check out mine linked below – some differences, which is probably worth the $36 bucks alone, and the quality, soooooo much better, even viewing through the internet!

Kansas City Trucking Co. trailer;
and then we have Kansas City Trucking Co. trailer #2

El Paso Wrecking Corp. trailer

LA Tool & Die trailer

"vintage" porn stars

Nick Rogers

Who you remember from such films as: Performance, Hot Truckin’, The Idol, Malibu Days: Big Bear Nights, Rangers, and a nice solo while driving down the highway in Rough Cut. What’s your favorite Nick Rogers film?


Loaded weapon

That guy behind you has a loaded shotgun, um, er, I guess that means you should suck my cock, right?

"vintage" porn stars

Forest Fantasy

Clay Grant and Dave Daniel in Dreamer (1975).