PERFECT! they don’t make them like that anymore… ;p
I agree. Lean and wolfish.
He really does deserve more recognition as a vintage star, doesn’t he? You don’t really see him much on any of the vintage tumblr sites. I’m doing my best, to get more familiar with his work. I appreciate all your personal input. It does get kind of confusing, when you have porn stars who share the same name. Kurt Williams, the cute hottie from “Gold Rush Boys”, and he, couldn’t be more unlike. I identify him as “Kurt Williams with Cobra Tattoo”. According to GEVI, he didn’t get that tattoo until after 1976. GEVI strangely doesn’t list “Diary of an M” as one of his credits, because he used the name Mike Adams. Another “Mike Adams”, was one of the most famous, militantly ugly models from Old Reliable. (Were you a fan? I sure wasn’t.) I distinctly remember his print ads for “Jac-Pack”, after Jack Wrangler stop doing them. At the time, I didn’t make the connection, that he was the same guy who was in “Kansas City Trucking Co.” Were queers, supposed to have recognized him. I wonder if others made the same omission. I never used any of these devises, did you? Were they any good?
I liked his body, though I tend to prefer more muscular ones. His body was reminiscent of both Richard Locke’s and Joe Markum’s; lean and mean. Keep the photos and info. about him, coming! Thanks!
3 replies on “desert rat”
PERFECT! they don’t make them like that anymore… ;p
I agree. Lean and wolfish.
He really does deserve more recognition as a vintage star, doesn’t he? You don’t really see him much on any of the vintage tumblr sites. I’m doing my best, to get more familiar with his work. I appreciate all your personal input. It does get kind of confusing, when you have porn stars who share the same name. Kurt Williams, the cute hottie from “Gold Rush Boys”, and he, couldn’t be more unlike. I identify him as “Kurt Williams with Cobra Tattoo”. According to GEVI, he didn’t get that tattoo until after 1976. GEVI strangely doesn’t list “Diary of an M” as one of his credits, because he used the name Mike Adams. Another “Mike Adams”, was one of the most famous, militantly ugly models from Old Reliable. (Were you a fan? I sure wasn’t.) I distinctly remember his print ads for “Jac-Pack”, after Jack Wrangler stop doing them. At the time, I didn’t make the connection, that he was the same guy who was in “Kansas City Trucking Co.” Were queers, supposed to have recognized him. I wonder if others made the same omission. I never used any of these devises, did you? Were they any good?
I liked his body, though I tend to prefer more muscular ones. His body was reminiscent of both Richard Locke’s and Joe Markum’s; lean and mean. Keep the photos and info. about him, coming! Thanks!