El Paso Wrecking Corp. Jack Wrangler Joe Gage KCTC L. A. Tool & Die Richard Locke

it’s rated X, so come with a grown-up

oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! is it true? finally? really???? and i had to find out about it through……. eBay??????? Not to be taken in by some eBay seller (the HUSTLER DVD release of the Trilogy last year turned out to be what I had expected, just the 3 versions previously released on DVD, just all on one disc with nothing new or interesting… paid 10 bucks to find that out – the things i do for my research!!!), I went to the source, Joe Gage’s website, scrolled down past some cocks and promos for his new stuff (lookin’ good!) and more cocks and some pop culture stuff, and then, in the same posting as some amateur jockstrap pics, I see the image of the three boxes (look closely at the EPWC pic, I swear it’s the image of my EPWC box over here on my GAGETAPE page – look at the dents! but I digress…) Click through, more clicks, find it, click again, and for 36 bucks, the promise of 240 minutes, from Director Joe Gage – The Remastered Trilogy. The page itself says the EPWC watersports scene is restored, Gage’s comments on his site mention the opening scene from EPWC is restored (Fred Halsted and Richard Locke doing shots and playing with a gun, getting fired from, oh you know all this, Kansas City Trucking Company then….) – yeah! but, but, what about the watersports scene in KCTC? What about the not-incest/implied incest scene in EPWC? and the orgy scene form that film that was chopped up, too? And was there anything missing from my copies (yes, I have multiple VHS copies) of L A Tool & Die???

so many questions, so little money in the bank right now! OK, so guys, go the Ray Dragon site above and check out the trailer – 3 trailers rolled into one, and then check out mine linked below – some differences, which is probably worth the $36 bucks alone, and the quality, soooooo much better, even viewing through the internet!

Kansas City Trucking Co. trailer;
and then we have Kansas City Trucking Co. trailer #2

El Paso Wrecking Corp. trailer

LA Tool & Die trailer

5 replies on “it’s rated X, so come with a grown-up”

Damn I hope they’re complete. Kinda surprised he’s doing this, as Gage was approached about putting out restored versions of the films VCA/HIS put out and he said he sold them to the company outright. Might be why it sounds like it’s buried on that site.

OMG, I mean O.M.G! Looking at that trailer, it certainly looks ‘cleaner’ than most copies of those films I have ever seen (though I have to admit that I have never seen original ‘first generation’ VHS versions of any of the trilogy, being locked away as I am in the UK where smuggled in copies of copies of copies ad nausea were the norm until the advent of the Internet and ‘torrenting’ in particular).

There appears to be a brief ‘piss scene’ as well as a very brief glimpse of a group of guys at 1:06 from EPWC that I don’t recall seeing before. There are some scenes that even look like ‘outtakes’ of some of the models (Richard as well) ‘posing’ for the camera? And some scenes that just look ‘different’ – check out a few brief scenes of Richard’s glory hole session – or am I imagining it? Even if ‘Joe’ claims to have sold the rights back in the day, he was the original director etc. so it’s of course entirely reasonable to assume that he should have either original theater film reels, actual masters (doubt it from some of the ‘hairs in the gate’ that are still visible, noticeably on the sunset section) or at the very least, first generation copies of the original VHS that have been used for digital clean up and transfer? That last possibility looks unlikely judging by the scenes that are included in the trailer that I don’t recognize; unless they are from the original trailers and they sometimes used shots that never made it to the original films anyway… Can you comment on this point BJ?

ither way, very exciting stuff! I would be more than glad to pay $36, but I have had stuff not get through Customs in the past so won’t risk that at the moment :) Now, what about “Closed Set”? I have, like so many, believed that this is quite possibly the greatest gay porn film ever produced, and who hasn’t wished that the editing of some of those HOT sex scenes wasn’t so maddeningly brisk? I have always hoped that Joe has reels of film from that legendary gay sex marathon that he could use to produce a new version, or even release with the original film as a complete collection. Now THAT I would risk hell and high water for!

Just re-watched these last night (VHS transfers) and was reminded how real yet creative vintage porn was. What’s sadly missing in today’s flicks: story/setting, sensuality, sounds (gutteral and non-permissioned use of published music), masculine actors with sizable endowments splaying substantial seed, tons of testosterone, all driving sleaze factor to 11. DO give us a report should you end up forking out for the remasters – Hopefully ithese will live up to their legacy.

Hi, I wanted to come back to this (decade old!) thread to add some info about the “complete trilogy” DVD.

I ended up finding the Dragon release of the “Unabridged and Uncensored” trilogy through Gay DVD Empire (in 2023), and purchased it to compare it to my VHS copies, and all the notes I’ve collected from your posts around here about the various edits.

Predictably, the “Unabridged and Uncensored” version isn’t quite a definitive edition. The piss scene in Kansas is still missing, and LA has some quality control issues with both picture and sound.

The Harvardman and Motorcyclist scene in El Paso is restored to it’s full length, as well as the full length audio-only blank screen openings in El Paso and Kansas.

Your site is still the best resource for the trailers and the deleted KC scene. Thanks!!

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