His first film was Joe Gage’s HANDsome (1981), but you may remember him from such films as New York Men, Outrage, What The Big Boys Eat, Chip Off The Old Block, Dynastud, and Wakefield Poole’s One, Two, Three, among many others.
His first film was Joe Gage’s HANDsome (1981), but you may remember him from such films as New York Men, Outrage, What The Big Boys Eat, Chip Off The Old Block, Dynastud, and Wakefield Poole’s One, Two, Three, among many others.
7 replies on “Slater”
where can I source this incredible photo?
Dunno. It was a cover of a magazine; I’ll try to dig that up, and maybe photographers name is credited inside.
so – while these 2 images are NOT where I got the pic from ( I know its a cover of something like MACH, Manifest, or one of those) these are clearly from the same photosession and it’s ZEUS as the source (despite the spelling on that cover!)
I always thought J.D. was a middle of the pack porn star in terms of who really turned me on, he wasn’t among my favorites but I never disliked him that much either. It would be interesting to see the above pic in full size and with his whole face, not to mention the rest of him, that is if you have it or know where to find it.
I’ve never seen One, Two, Three and have always wondered what that film was like, especially when I read about how it and Boys In The Sand 2 were the last films Wakefield ever directed. The descriptions I’ve read make it seem like a rather simple plot, guys being told to split into groups or solo and just improv sex basically I guess, but I admit my curiosity about the movie is a bit macabre as apparently Dave Connors was very ill and died not long after the movie was filmed. Rydar Hanson is the other actor who I know I saw in other films and enjoyed, though he was apparently among those trying to raise awareness about AIDS after filming this and finding out Dave had died (something about a cross country road trip? I forget where I read that). Have you seen One, Two, Three, did you ever have a physical copy of the tape? I’ve searched and keep striking out trying to find it online.
I have to admit feeling similarly – and part of that is the era he worked in, becoming more used as the quality of movies deteriorated with video replacing film. Handsome I think was his first, followed by HUNK and NEW YORK MEN – all released in 1981 – but in terms of his face and body, that’s why I love these photos of him, ZEUS was able to capture him better, I just dig the prematurely balding bearded look (and don’t say cuz that’s what I looked like in my 30’s – I was prematurely balding goatee!)
The only time a balding or receding hairline ever makes me think anything negative is if the guy’s wearing a toupee to cover it up, and it actually draws even more attention to it like if the colors don’t match. Some of us come up with all kinds of ways to judge other guys, from dick size to age, weight and height, skin color and hair being others as well but most of that’s superficial. The first truly toe-curling blowjobs I ever had was by a guy at least 20 years older than me when I first started coming out, who had but a horseshoe of hair around the sides of his head. The rest of him was quite furry but anyway I did suck him sometimes but mostly he loved giving head, and being a perpetually horny college student I loved receiving them, and he and I hooked up semi regularly for a time. He liked it when I grabbed onto and stroked his head while he slowly and wetly sucked my dick, which I believe we enjoyed equally.
I hadn’t come here to talk about that but now that I’m thinking about him I’ve got good spank material for later lol, anyway … yes if a guy is balding he can absolutely still be very hot. As with J.D. I was digging through some other blogs and ran across what seems to be the full pic of all of J.D.’s body from this photo, link below:
Note the copyright at the bottom for Leather Archives and Museum, with a year of 2013 that was surely much later than the date of the pic. So there may be a whole set of pics out there somewhere. I love his ball stretcher, those things look hot to me when I see a guy wearing one and can be fun sometimes to wear, as long as their not the ‘rings of hell’ variety which kinda creeps me out.
ONE TWO THREE – I am pretty sure I have both a large boxed VHS, as well as a re-issued DVD as part of Wakefield Poole’s re-issues…..
don’t recall them being all that great – but worth a re-look!