
2 cocks + 1 mouth

her’s an easy one – name the cocks, the mouth, and the porno movie

5 replies on “2 cocks + 1 mouth”

“You still looking at that old magazine? We can do better than that.” The film is Rangers, the tied up dick is Al Parker’s; the other cock is real familiar too, but I can’t recall his name or the cock sucker. Very nice scene though. Can you post the clip?

Jbiagio: The other big dicked (and extremely fat from my point of view)guy is heavy moustached Daniel Holt (maybe you know him cause of his solo in a spider web in Chain Reactions. The sucker guy is blondie and kinda versatile Chris Allen

PM: “Extremely fat” is for the cock, not the man

yup – Holt and Allen – hmmmm, but I don’t recall Holt in a spider web in Chain Reactions. I remember Jon King in a spider web in FADE IN. Of course, most copies of Chain Reactions are missing scenes, so perhaps Holt is in an earlier, uncut version?

The now-unprovable gossip back then was that Parker insisted Holt keep the black top on in the scene because Parker thought Holt was looking a little umhum ‘broad’ in the mid-section.

PLEASE find and post some stills and/or screen captures of Al Parker’s ManBag in jeans, shorts…whatever !

Al is, as you well know, the Patron Saint of FreeBall DonkeyMen everywhere !

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