Get a clue. Seriously, I know it’s an easy one, and an example of one of my porno pet peeves! (of course, we do love the lead character’s name in the film, right?)
Get a clue. Seriously, I know it’s an easy one, and an example of one of my porno pet peeves! (of course, we do love the lead character’s name in the film, right?)
9 replies on “what’s wrong with this picture??”
At least they got the back cover pictures right. But of course this trashcan shot depicts no scene that’s from 1979’s ‘Bad Bad Boys,’ which was noteworthy as Johnny Dawes debut. I believe the trashcan shot is Nova material, I should know what from, but I don’t, but I do know it has no business selling “Bad Bad Boys.”
Bijou is notorious for putting the wrong picture on the DVD cover. They do it all the time. This picture is actually from Falcon Studios’ “Huge 1” from 1982. That’s Lee Ryder fucking Steve Rossi on the trash can.
I’m over ten years late on this one, but (borrowing from your vernacular) TSK TSK MISTER OBSESSED! Bend over for a spanky! :D You were partially right – about Bijou being a repeat offender in sticking unrelated pics on their box covers whenever they felt like it; about the scene on this cover indeed being from Huge 1; and also right about Lee Ryder as the fucker. OK so you were mostly right here, BUT Lee is plunging his long and beautiful scepter inside Brian Spence a.k.a. Mike Carr, lying back on the trash can.
Steve Rossi was the other, more blond (ish) bottom in the alley portion of that film, and later in the clubhouse threeway:
… and then the fourth guy, Lee’s friend used a number of names himself:
-Mike Weldon (in Huge 1)
-Mike Marshall (in Doing It)
-Brian Nichols (in Fantasize, Games, Gold Rush Boys and I Do)
-Jeff Richards (in Boys In Company F)*
I am absolutely certain about Brian being the same as the two Mikes, and about 90-95% sure that Jeff Richards is a match as well, though gevi only connects Mike Weldon and Brian Nichols as the same guy. His face (especially the nose), chest, butt and thick cock are the giveaways. Maybe I’ll send Woody at gevi another email someday and ask him to link all these together.
(P.S. to BJ – Mike Weldon etc. would be a great model for you to do a deep dive into, if you ever felt inspired to do so – and if you agree that all were in fact the same guy. He was built somewhat like Michael Christopher, maybe the quiet strong type but I had many fantasies about him, especially his scene in the hospital bed in Games)
You know I’m teasing you Obsessed, unless you want a spanky from me, in which case assume the position – and prepare for BJ and a bunch of other commenters here to line up behind me for their turn. Like Clairee says to Ouiser in Steel Magnolias, y’know I love ya more’n my luggage!
Oops! My fact checking, needs fact checking! Aw, aw…! : |
(Yikes! How am I going to spin this? I so hate being wrong! My narcissistic ego, won’t tolerate it! I know: flatter, distract, obfuscate, or “embellish”! If that doesn’t work, throw yourself at the mercy of the court! First, I need to “butter-up”, zephyr! Or should I use lube or Crisco? Think! Think!) : /
Wow, zephyr – my little williwaw! Nothing gets past you – eagle eyes! But hold on a moment, whipper-snapper! Control your wind-power! Don’t blow me away, just yet! I’m not one to surrender to a *SPANKY-SPANKY*, so easily without a struggle! : D
You’re right, that I was “partially” wrong! But in my defense, it could be that I was provided wrong or insufficient information! We all make mistakes, even MOI! I always tell BJ, that I’m always right, except when I’m not! : )
As you noticed, this post is over ten years old! Wonderful Woody from GEVI; has done a considerable amount of updating, since then! The new website design is fabulous – easier to read and maneuver!
I don’t remember “Hot City Streets”; from Falcon’s collection, “Huge 1”, being so detailed on GEVI! This time, he evens lists the color of the performer’s clothing! Were the performers’ profile pictures, all included, back in the day? Woody often doesn’t do that, for second tiers stars.
I probably just looked at Brian Spence aka Michael/Mike Carr, on the trash can; and assumed he was Italian. “Oh, he must be Steve Rossi!” Yes, I KNOW there are blond Italians!
I know I rented this, but “HCS” blurs in my memory! I can’t recall a single image. I only remember “Take It like a Man”, from this collection. Joe Reeves and Mark Hunter; are hard to forget – cuties!
But give me some credit! I DO remember that Joe was like a robot, in this loop! His acting improved, later on! He looks beautiful on the VHS/DVD cover!
To think, this post still relates to today! Notice, Woody still doesn’t point out Bijou’s mistake! “Get a clue!”
What wonderful Woody provides us, is positively Herculean! He can’t possibly view every gay porn flick, there is! He must have a professional team helping him out!
I’m glad he’s gotten more sponsors, since he started out. The website is better than ever!
But as I’ve said before, it astonishes me how he can be so perceptive and DENSE, at the same time!
There are still a number of mistakes and inaccuracies! And often the correct information is right there, in front of him!
I so appreciate that you and Johnny-My Pet-Llama, send him e-mails, notifying him this. I wish I could do this as well, but I’m always pressed for time and sleep!
But I cut him endless slack! It’s the same deal with BJ! I tease BJ a lot, but he knows I don’t mean it! I’ll be forever grateful to his website, and for introducing me to GEVI!
His generosity and graciousness can never be underestimated! I panicked when his blog was hacked! “Oh no, now it’s the end!”
Believe me, there’s nothing I would rather do, than respond to EVERY one of BJ’s posts. But I simply don’t have the time. I’ve been forced to curtail, consolidate, streamline, prioritize, and delay my replies, more than I wish!
I’ve totally forgotten this post! Much as I’ve enjoyed Lee Ryder, if this was freshly imaged today, I wouldn’t have left a reply. I’m honored and flattered that you thought of me! Even if it’s just to scold!
I’m such whore and an egotist – desperate for attention! I feel the need to shove my opinion, down everyone’s throat! I don’t mind dissent at all!
My feeling is that everyone deserves their opinion! But everyone is ENTITLED to mine! Can you believe that – shameless narcissist! As you can see, I’m not one for modesty or humility! What good is a virtue, if you can’t brag about it? LOL!
That’s a great line from “Steel Magnolias”! I love both you and BJ, even when he ignores or dismisses me! I know he also has to prioritize his time and effort! I don’t take it personally!
I know you’re just teasing as well! I would never repeat Ouiser’s statement to Clairee, at the funeral; “You are a pig from hell!” Though often like her, I’m a sourpuss! LOL!
Okay, there you go! I’ve pled my case! If you still think I deserve a *SPANKY-SPANKY*, I’m willing to surrender – MARTYR!
It takes a big man, to admit he’s wrong. That’s why everyone should consider me, a TITAN! LOL!
“Thank you sir – no, I do not want another! One whack is plenty – Ouch!”
Thank you zephyr, your replies are always fun and charming! Stay cool and breezy! Cheers!
Ah, BJ! So many great, humorous, forgotten posts! With late replies! : )
So little time! I’ll never catch up! : (
; )
OK fine, it won’t be the ‘thwack’ kind of spanky spanky, just a friendly love tap. But I get two, one for each of your cheeks! ;) Huge 1 is a great movie, the ridiculously dubbed dialogue in the two parts of scene 1 never fail to crack me up! ‘Yep, gettin a rise in my Levis’ one of them says, when the four-way in the alley becomes a three-way in the sex den, with Lee, Steve and Mike Weldon (etc., who I’m still borderline infatuated with, his huge cock and how he rarely if ever said anything, alas…)
Not to mention the stolen music by Yellow Magic Orchestra and the two Jeans (Luc Ponty and Michel Jarre) throughout the movie, maybe others as well. I too am pressed for time and may have left a detailed note with timestamps about what I was able to figure out elsewhere here on BJ’s blog but you’ll just have to trust me on that one. I do agree though, about the scene with Joe Reeves and Mark Hunter is good too. Take care friend!
There’s a lot going on in these comments, but I must say this. BJ, take note. I agree with Zephyr that you should do a profile on Mike Weldon and all his AKAs. I also agree that he has more AKAs than GEVI acknowledges. That’s very perceptive. I am also fascinated with Mike. He was kind of amazing, but underappreciated, and certainly deserving of the full BJ treatment.
Yay, it’s been seconded! That might be enough to put him into ‘draft folder’ consideration which is an important first step. The pic on his gevi page is what he looked like in Huge 1, with the grey tanktop and shows his prominent nose.
They’ve got him as Mike Weldon and it lists the Brian Nichols alias, and connects them together. But neither of the others I believe to have been all the same guy. This is the page for the Mike Marshall credit:
which only lists Doing It, and then here’s Jeff Richards:
with Boys In Company F as his only credit. I know he was in the picture magazine with stills from I Do, he played one of the two chauffeurs in that movie. But I don’t know what that mag was called. If there were picture magazines from Games that would show his big dick off in all its glory when Ben Barker goes to town on it in the hospital room. Oh yeah, and him in the tent in Gold Rush Boys, I’ve seen pics from that mag before too (probably here), there’s a good face pic of him there.
Plus I’ve reviewed like five of the movies he was in, so there might even be stuff at the subreddit that could be of use. We know how busy BJ is but maybe he’ll grant our wish someday, if we hold hands and wish upon a star together ;)
I had a reason for reviving this post from a decade ago, then I got all dick-stracted by Mike Weldon… And the thought of swatting Mr. Obsessed’s shapely buns, no matter how much he protested, and all over a minor error in a years old comment but anyway…
Turning this back to the original topic of the post, the reason I came back in time here was to leave a link to my review of Bad (Bad) Boys, should you want to see that sometime: