The top image looks like a painting on canvas. Very Monet. Love it!
awww, thanks!
HI there BJ!!
I noticed the change in your web site. Have you moved out of NY? How did managed during SANDY? Are you safe?
There’s have been a radical change in your website. You are not posting as much videos as in yester years. Which I understand because of recent legislation. Tell me. Are you done with Porn?
Curious minds want to know.
For many years now, you have been the source to find old time gay porn, which remains to be the best regarding of outcome of newer companies.
So there!
Hey – thanks for asking – I am still in NYC, in an area (for now) with no power, but managing fine. I spend less time on the blog, as I have a partner who takes up most of my non-working hours! so less porno and less posting is due to me being per-occupied (and happy about it!) and nothing to do with any legislation or lost interest in vintage porn
4 replies on “a couple more pics”
The top image looks like a painting on canvas. Very Monet. Love it!
awww, thanks!
HI there BJ!!
I noticed the change in your web site. Have you moved out of NY? How did managed during SANDY? Are you safe?
There’s have been a radical change in your website. You are not posting as much videos as in yester years. Which I understand because of recent legislation. Tell me. Are you done with Porn?
Curious minds want to know.
For many years now, you have been the source to find old time gay porn, which remains to be the best regarding of outcome of newer companies.
So there!
Hey – thanks for asking – I am still in NYC, in an area (for now) with no power, but managing fine. I spend less time on the blog, as I have a partner who takes up most of my non-working hours! so less porno and less posting is due to me being per-occupied (and happy about it!) and nothing to do with any legislation or lost interest in vintage porn