his is from a magazine I may be selling soon, (Cock Rings ‘n’ Things, or something like that) the standing guy looks like Bo Richards ot me, but the other pics DON’T really look like him – whadya think?
his is from a magazine I may be selling soon, (Cock Rings ‘n’ Things, or something like that) the standing guy looks like Bo Richards ot me, but the other pics DON’T really look like him – whadya think?
4 replies on “Bo Richards?”
Nah! Bo Richards’ hair was darker, and it was thick and wavy, not curly. Plus, Richards’ body was shorter, more compact and muscular. This guy is leaner and taller. The only resemblance I see, is perhaps the eyes.
Hi BJ, I may have missed it or can’t find it but you haven’t posted a hot video clip in a while. One of these two hotties would be nice. ;-)
you are correct, sir – in fact, not just no hot clips, but no clips at all in awhile. May try this week, but the vcr/webcam/computer have been unconnected form each other, so god knows if I’ll remember the correct way to plug ’em all back together to make it work!
Is it Jeremy Scott (standing) and Joe Reeves (kneeling) ? They were in at least two films together, The Arousers and Mind Games, both for Rollo in 1984. Just a guess.