don’t point that thing at me

maybe, but which one is bigger doesn’t – c’mon, I think big enough describes these two well – Myles Longue (Ed Wiley) and Victor Houston – from a magazine called Deuce, and they performed together in Pier Groups; and another (news to me) called Rooftop Rape!
A nice walk from Province Lands Road through the dunes on the Fire Road, just past Hatches Harbor brought us close to, but not at, Race Point. It was a spur of the moment thing, so without enough fresh water (and snacks) we did a 30 minute in, 30 minute out walk without (this time) getting to the ocean. Beautiful afternoon with my sweetie! I didn’t even notice the guys working on the lighthouse until we got back home and looked over the photos. And the wind turbines in the background – Plymouth?
i like this clip because you can get a quick glimpse (audio) of exasperated me, of a gaggle of girls getting in my way (audio), their cooing in my ear ( ooooh, dolphins! DOLPHINS!), and yet, despite the sounds and shaky camera work, it’s just a lovely few seconds of some animals off of Race Point, on another wonderful whale watch.
at the ripe ol’ age of 50something, I may finally be getting my first couch!