Drummer magazine vintage gay t-shirts

Drummer Daddy

8 replies on “Drummer Daddy”

The cowboy hat obscures his face, but I’m guessing that this must be Val Martin. Am I right? He always seemed to be in Drummer magazine. He was one hardcore, scary looking mother fucker. He reminds me so much of screen villain, Lee Van Cleef. Barry (Hoffman) affects me the same way. Both of them had a undeniably, compelling presence. I didn’t enjoy Martin’s S & M and fist-fucking, but I’m glad that he made a least one “vanilla” sex scene. (“Moving”) Did you know that his boyfriend was Zeus model, Leo Stone? I’m sure they had lots of fun together.

Yup, Val Martin it is. But you do know that the scene in Movinf DOES include him fisting Casey Donovan, right?

Yes, but I blocked that out of my mind. I think that’s the only time he actually had sex with a guy on camera, as opposed to just abusing someone. Am I right? I wish he would have done more “vanilla” scenes. When I first saw him in “Sextool”, I had to turn my head away from watching the screen. I have no desire to see his most notorious film, “Born To Raise Hell”. Even seeing stills from it disturb me.

P.S. I appreciate that your website is seemingly, the only one that features decent pictures of him. I hope you’ll later post some decent pictures of that other rough powerhouse, Ken Berquist. He was aggressively virile, like a cowboy western movie star. It’s too bad he only made one film.

Ahhh, Ken – AKA Ken Savage – was in 2 other movies.

Master Barber, and Care and Training of The Male Slave, both produced by Drummer. Hard to find pics of him outside Drummer… I think i have a poor copy of Care….. Might need to dig it up

For those that think Val Martin should have made more vanilla movies…. dude, there are plenty of other ‘stars’ in their day that did. Maybe it’s time to evolve? Val Martin died April 13, 1985 but his films lives on. I think he was one of the hottest men in the industry. His lover Leo Stone/ Bob Bouchard or Bob Hyslop with Val did shoots for Zeus Publications and Drummer. Val did about 5 movies, Leo his partner…I am not sure. If you know of anything about Leo or Val… please contact me @ Thanks.

I just saw this pic in the issue of Drummer I was scrolling through, and came here to see if you’d posted it. Do you have any Drummer t-shirts in your collection? Also curious if you or anyone knows the artist … some possibilities would be one-named guys like Matt, Rex or Domino. But I can’t quite tell. The text at the bottom of the full page does confirm that it’s Val Martin, which you and Obsessed already knew.

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