from the October 1975 issue of Queen’s Quarterly
Month: April 2011
when the marines came

The Day the Marines Came
(1987 compilation)
Starring: Gordon Grant, Chad James, (others, but none credited)
If you can get through the garbled intro of Chad James and his buddy (“here we see him (Gordon Grant) do what he never did – suck cock” – um, have you ever seen a film outside his solos where Mr. Grant doesn’t suck cock??) you’ll see the first sex scene from the film Hot Truckin’. Notice a few things have changed, however – in the full-length film, this scene is inter-spliced with Nick Rodgers (here credited as Larry LeBlanc) and Johnny Dillon in a Men’s Room sex scene; also, the music and voiceover has been changed – one of those where there are more people groaning on the soundtrack than on the film! the slurpy sounds are funny, but then kinda annoying after awhile, eh?
Great photos from Division of Marine Fisheries biologist Erin Burke, who took several photos of endangered right whales spotted off the coast of Provincetown the other day, when 28-30 right whales were spotted. But then yesterday, about 101 of the animals were spotted in an aerial survey!!!
Oh f*ck I wish I was there!
The other thing that i think is cool is that because of the amount plankton in the area, they can predict these wonderful creatures will be around for another week before the plankton runs thin and the whales move on. If yer up in the area, get out to Herring Cove, Race Point, Truro, or wherever, with your camera, please!
treehouse, sorta
enjoying one of the nearby community gardens last weekend
one of my neighbors
Don Bowman
rope tree

can’t tell if he’s tied to the tree, or if the tree is tied to him
Dune Fox

AKA On The Beach, with Tom Fox (in hat) and Barry Hoffman (in my dreams; er, I mean, standing)