Great photos from Division of Marine Fisheries biologist Erin Burke, who took several photos of endangered right whales spotted off the coast of Provincetown the other day, when 28-30 right whales were spotted. But then yesterday, about 101 of the animals were spotted in an aerial survey!!!
Oh f*ck I wish I was there!
The other thing that i think is cool is that because of the amount plankton in the area, they can predict these wonderful creatures will be around for another week before the plankton runs thin and the whales move on. If yer up in the area, get out to Herring Cove, Race Point, Truro, or wherever, with your camera, please!
3 replies on “this is a public service announcement – with guitar!”
I’m so sad I couldn’t get any pics for you today. I’d heard tale of quite a pod off race point this evening… sigh…
apparently Head of the Meadow had some good views
with video! – video without commercial
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