can’t recall exact date, 1982 or 1983ish, an article / photo essay titled: “The Eight Most Eligible Men in New York Nightlife”
can’t recall exact date, 1982 or 1983ish, an article / photo essay titled: “The Eight Most Eligible Men in New York Nightlife”
4 replies on “eligible men”
I would love to see this whole article! All three are yummy. This might have been 1982 to promote the release of HEATSTROKE, made by Gage and starring Coe…?
Oh it was Blueboy February 1982. And two of the other men are porn stars Casey Donovan and Eric Ryan. LOL
i have the other pages – I’ll try to post soon
I thought Joe Gage was married by 1982/83 since he’s bisexual?