cowboys pornoclips

what cowboys look like without their clothes

Male Stampede
directed by: J. Brian (1977?)
Starring: Bryen Neves, Dean Chasson, Jack, Joe Markham, Ken, Ray Todd, Tom, Tommy, Tony D’Angelo, Men of The Ambush, and The Falcon Men

i fergot to put together any notes on this one, but enjoy nonetheless! (and as much as I love Joe Markham, whoever the beefier mustached guy is – wowza!)


Ooh, what are you thinking of?

Hug My Soul


happy bulge-bumping day!


recent pic

hairdo by my man

"vintage" porn stars Drummer magazine El Paso Wrecking Corp.

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walk, man

not sure how far he’d get

from a “hot talk tape” ad in 1984. apparently this was a big thing in the mid 80’s, although the only ones I have are a few from Old Reliable. But Joe Gage put some out, and I just discovered that there is at least one with Al Parker! From Al Parker’s Turned On, the original soundtrack “Forbidden Overture”, not sure if it is just music, or the sounds of the men in the film. Then another, which features Al actually talking, where Al is visited by the air conditioning repair man – 40 minute tape! OK fellas, who has it?????


no one’s beyond repair

Fast Idle

directed by: Bruce Cam, Forrest Fyre, Chris Harts (1992)
Starring: Bill Marlowe, Chip Daniels, Cougar Cash, and Seth Tucker

OK, so this isn’t a porno clip, but a porno music video! In what I believe is Al Parker’s last appearance on screen, he introduces this music video, Fast Idle, by R.K. Street, performed by Butch Garland. It shows up at the end of this video by the same name, from Titan Productions (which must be the pre-cursor to Titan Media). Al is not in the porno movie, just here in this clip, sitting atop a car as the camera swirls around him, and the hypnotic love song plays with snippets from the movie – I dare you not to be singing My heart did a fa-a-ast idle, I had me just o-o-one just chance for survival by the end of the video (and all day long like I was doing this past Saturday when I finally re-found this tape, having regretted selling it years back on eBay!)

please note: the sound quality sucks! I have run it through the computer 4 times, and it sounds fine WHILE recording, but playback keeps coming back distorted – GRRRRRRR! (and not in the good way)