Duke Edwards Richards (AKA Duke Benson), from such films as Brentwood’s A Matter of Size and Jaguar Production’s The Rivermen
Jean Cardin (AKA Bert Edwards), who did many more films than Duke, was also in The Rivermen, as well as Hurts So Good, Tonsil Tickler, Jaguar’s Blue Summer Breeze, and Wakefield Poole’s Moving!.
4 replies on “tight grip”
I used to live next door to Duke Edwards his name was Ernie never did anything with him and he was interested boy do I regret it.
Didn’t use Duke Benson the name Duke Richards instead of Duke Edwards?
oh gosh – where is my proofreader??!! it’s Duke Richards – AKA Duke Benson!
Awesome! I’ve got an old Tumblr photo that I was pretty sure about, this one confirms it. Woof – iconic good looks.