

this popped up last week, around the corner from where I live. for just over two years, whenever i left my block, i would pass by the Obama vs McCain mural that went up back in early October of 2008. I remember watching it going up, and since then watching people stop suddenly at it, or take pictures in front of it. I even remember briefly someone had defaced it with the word “socialist” on Obama’s lips. And then, after the election, someone painted a big red X though McCain, and the words “Buh Bye” under him; and the word MAKE was changed to MADE. hard to remember just how good the excitement and yes, pride, felt back then. and since – the disappointments; and damn, the “shellacking” two weeks ago! but alas, i’m still holding on, and I still have hope – it’s just not that giddy feeling, which we all should have known wouldn’t last. it’s tough, the assholes just seem to be smarter, and more dedicated, and soooooooooooo comfortable lying and being greedy fucks. And “our side”? – our allies? scaredy cat wimpy loser fuckheads, right? but i dunno, the mural, it just somehow mattered to me having it there (and the big red X through McFuck’s face), and maybe even more so after this past election. and now, gone.

I walked past it today, and ran into my local letter carrier emptying the mailbox in front of it. She smiled and said hello through her headphones, and i gestrued with both hands toward the blank blue wall. “What happened to Obama?” she frowned. I shrugged, frowned back, and walk along, empty.

One reply on “emptiness”

Wow, I saw that mural for the first (and last) time just a month ago. The hilarious “Bad Pussies” a couple of blocks away still survives, I hope.

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