photo by Len Travares
i love this song, done by Beth Orton. I find myself sorta humming it as i ride my bike to work. never realized it’s a cover, and that, geez, the Ronettes did it nearly 40 years ago! don’t think i could even listen to that version; this is wonderfully sad…… but fortunately, no longer applicable to my life. i’m more in the “glad i saw the sunshine” mode, cuz it helps me on the rainy days.
some months back, someone asked if I had any naughty pics of Robert La Tourneaux (who you may know from such films as…….); at the time I didn’t, but recently acquired a handful of 70’s/early 80’s gay porn mags, and here’s one of the the pics from HONCHO‘s July 1980 issue.
Saturday, October 2nd. My buddy had joined me about halfway through my trip up in provincetown, so I got the chance to go on my second whale-watching trip. The weather had been kinda iffy, and we weren’t sure we’d have time and good enough weather to go, as several trips had been canceled due to choppy weather. But we managed a 3:30 in the afternoon cruise, and it couldn’t have been better! This clip has four humpbacks, we saw them at around 5:45pm, and we were supposed to leave the area and return to provincetown (you can actually see it in the background, right?) but the cool thing was we couldn’t leave until we were sure exactly where all 4 were, and that we were far enough away that our boat wouldn’t bother them. So we were “stuck” for another 10 minutes waiting, and watching, and ooohing, and ahhhing. sigh. As we left, the sun was beginning to set, and I got a few really cool sundown pics, which if you scroll down you’ll see a couple. I’ll have to dig out the one of Scott, as the first thing you’ll think is “My, what lovely eyelashes!”
or, i can struggle to find more porno clips and just move on from this great great trip….