
photographed by Roy Dean

photographed by Roy Dean

8 replies on “photographed by Roy Dean”

I like Roy Dean’s work. Many of his models are indeed beautiful. I would have loved to have taken one of his sea cruises. He’s rather restrained and tame though. He’d probably would scoff at the notion that his work is pornography. “Erotica” would be more like it. When porn actress/publisher Gloria Leonard, was asked what the difference between the two is, she answered “The lighting”. : ) I could be wrong, but I think Gordon Grant (aka Don Bowman) was the only model he photographed with a hard on. There was a great rare interview in In Touch magazine where he, Jim French, and a third person who I can’t remember, were being asked to rate many past and present, beautiful, mainstream, male stars in the media. Fascinating! I wish I could remember which issue it was. Sometime in the late seventies? I’m sure you must have read it. I always wondered who discovered Gordon Grant first. Was it Dean or French? Do you have any work by David Carter? His work is raunchier and harder to acquire. I’ve only seen a few images here and there, as well as the advertisements in the male magazines.

i have had a real rough time finding info on ROY DEAN on line. A few years back i bookmarked a tribute page – now gone! one of the things i miss about the old internet, more amateur pages with things of specific interest….

IN TOUCH – i am trying to complete my collection of issues 1-50, but think the stuff with Roy Dean I am missing.

DAVID CARTER – funny you mention him; i never really knew the name, but have just acquired “David Carter Guide to PHYSICAL FITNESS” – a HONCHO published magazine like guide.

back to Roy Dean, besides Gordon Grant, I’ve seen he’s photographed Paul Baressi and Joe Porcelli (bearded – yum!! IN TOUCH #81??) as well. I sold, years back, BEFORE THE HAND OF MAN (1st edition, 1972) – yes, kicking myself now!

The man is Blain Lamoreaux. At the time a football player with the Calgary Stampeders. This and some other pics of the Roy Dean photo shoot were in the June 1978 Honcho Magazine.

Let me sincerely thank Colin Davidson above, for identifying the model as Blain Lamoreaux, and his corresponding information source.

I would also like to especially thank Buck Naked, for posting the complete photo-shoot, on his blog, Retro Studs.

I’ve done some online research on his stats. His full name is BLAIN LAMOUREAUX. He was born on Jan. 13, 1950. His complete football career lasted from 1973 to 1981. He was 6’ 1”, and weighed 215 lbs.

Aside from playing with the Calgary Stampeders, he also played with the Saskatchewan Roughriders, and the Toronto Argonauts.

I’ll post the full link on the bottom. But before I do that, let me highlight three pictures, of this spectacular beast. “dirty pierre” is indeed right. He does look phenomenal!

Judging from the length of his long legs, I thought he was taller- but no matter! The average, adult male height is about 5’10”, so I still consider him a giant! : )

I’m a “Vertical Size-Queen”. I wish I could trademark that self-described title. Because of my narcissism, I feel compelled to inform you, of that personal predilection. : )

Behemoths hypnotize me! I love guys who are over 6 feet. Tall, lanky dudes like basketball players, are intriguing enough. But what really excite me are bruisers – skyscrapers that are also big and brawny!

There’s awe mixed in with my lust!

To me, they’re gods amongst men; even if they’re not conventionally handsome. I love the way they casually occupy space, and loom over the horizon; like they’re made of steel – the epitome of macho virility!

Clash of the Titans – I have a list of my long-stem favorites, among actors, wrestlers, football players, bodybuilders, etc. I don’t want to be too self-indulgent, so I’ll just mention a few.

Of course you know that actor/bodybuilder/trainer, David Prowse, recently died at age 85, on Nov. 28th.

He was the actor inside the Darth Vader costume in “Star Wars (1977)”. He also played Julian, the bodyguard in “A Clockwork Orange (1971)”.

This is my favorite glamour shot him, taken in the early 60’s. At 6’ 7”, I think his body looks just about perfect here. (I hope these links work!)

As you can see, he also has enormous feet. Make of that, what you will! : P

I love pictures of giants, which contrast their size, against normal size men. Look at how Prowse dwarfs his fellow competitors!

Here’s James Arness (6’ 7”), with Dennis Weaver (6’ 2”).

Of course this height fetish, also extend to my obsession with certain porn stars, which include my favorites.

I love watching giants, manhandle and dominate, their smaller partners.
As they fuck them, it’s like watching a spider devour a fly – thrilling!

Again for the sake of length, I’ll just mention a current one.

I have a number of reservations with Austin Wolf. First of all, his eyes seem rather empty and dead. That’s why I prefer when he’s photographed in profile, or from a distance.

I also prefer when he’s clean shaven – more attractive. Without the scruff, his big, bland face doesn’t seem so round. And of course, his tattoos look ridiculous – Mickey Mouse?!

But his big, tall, beefy body – 6’4”! He’s like a walking bear, with a huge ass – large and in charge! I’m still able to enjoy most of his scenes, on a visceral, primal level.

I have to admit, I love watching him fuck. He usually grabs his partners by the throat – beast! Here he is in action. The hot cutie with the big ears, assuming the position is Richard Pierce.

Lastly, I would be remiss, if I didn’t mention my absolute favorite, male specimen, actor Clint Walker.

I’ve been overwhelmed, ever since I first laid eyes on him, decades ago as a child.

He was among the first men, who gave me the original inkling, that I was “different”.

I know I’m not the only one, who thinks he was one of the most majestically virile men, who ever lived!

I am, but one voice, in the huge choir of straight women and gay men, who sings his praises. Just read all the rhapsodies of appreciation, posted online – in short, THE MAN!

In my opinion, he was as close to male physical perfection, as can humanly be possible.

He really was the TOTAL package – gorgeous face, huge muscular body, hairy chest, deep baritone voice (he could even sing!), and a warm, manly manner.

Like a tree, a mountain, or a waterfall, his beauty was positively scenic!

At 6’ 6” and a quarter Cherokee, he oozed masculinity from every pore – a towering tank of testosterone!

He died on May 21, 2018, at age 90. He was too mythic for this world.

My theory is that when he passed on, his spirit rose up into the heavens, and formed a constellation, like Orion. How’s that, for gushing! LOL! *SIGH*

Whew! Oh my, where was I?

As I promised, here’s the link to the June 1978 Honcho magazine photo session, on Retro Studs:

Thank you for this appalling indulgence!

; )

okay, I’ll be honest – sometimes I peak at the blog late at night for a quick second, and get the occasional comment that needs approval, and don’t get a chance to absorb comments first time around…. so after reading Blanche Devereaux, I know I have to come back and see what all these links and paragraphs say! maybe a good cup of coffee in the morning while paying bills online….

oh, Austin Wolf – yes, hot. but….. almost all of his partners are scrawny hairless way-too-young tiny… anyway, I prefer him scruffy. I remember one porno, a delivery guy tries to steal from him… blah blah ..

I looked through the retrostuds post – i must say, of all of them, I like the one I choice above; Lamoreaux doesn’t do much for me, but I liked the photo

but 2 from retrostuds stand out for me – while I am not “into” uncut guys, per se, I like this one:

this one would be perfect if it weren;t for the dirty feet – just can’t deal with that – I know, I know, he’s naked outdoors, his feet will get dirty, but

now, your fascination with actors – eh. While a handsome face or bod will get my attention, of course, I can’t say I’d remember their names if it wasn’t an actual good film….

wasn’t Blain in the Falcon video.. He is driving a Corvette Convertible and has sex with a farmer in and on it. He looks like the guy…

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