"vintage" porn stars

would you say “no” to Bruno?

(Mandate magazine asks in it’s June 1983 issue)

photo by Len Travares

4 replies on “would you say “no” to Bruno?”

He was quite a superstar. Even now he still looks good. He was very young when he first started out. Every one of his loops is hot. Even though he wasn’t conventionally handsome, he looked good with whomever you paired him off with. Instant chemistry. Erron/Jeremy Brent also had this gift. Curious that he was only star who used the same name for both Colt and Target. Jim French and Lou Thomas must have had a friendly agreement in his case. I wonder what his voice sounded like. Other posters have pointed out why these vintage porn stars (especially Colt and Target) are so wonderful. Many of them fit a mythic archetype, yet at the same time they’re unique and unforgettable. Each one of them had their own distinct look. It’s no one wonder why they all became icons. Too many stars today are indistinguishable. They can’t tell them apart or remember them because they’re so generic. These gods however, are forever!

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