pornoclips Richard Locke

how ’bout 7 (minutes)?

Cruisin’ The Castro
directed by: Michael R. Newman (1981)
This scene, Richard Locke, Don Talon, and Will Seagers.

just showing the last 3 minutes didn’t seem to do this scene justice, so here’s the last 7 – hope y’all enjoy it!

5 replies on “how ’bout 7 (minutes)?”

Awesome movie, one of the great underrated flicks of the early 80s. Don’t suppose anyone knows what happened to Will Seagers and Don Talon?

I have owned Arch Brown’s “The Janitor” (Topman) for many years. Again last night I “enjoyed” it with my pants off. By present-day standards the storyline of “The Janitor” is old, and the sex is clumsy at best. Still, the basement scene with the guys snorting amyl is unique. Depicting guys having sex and using amyl at the same time is now verboten, or so I am led to believe.

My question? What year was this Arch Brown movie released? Your website lists the movie but not the year. Have you stumbled upon newer information that includes the year? (BTW, nowhere on the original box is the year given. That really surprises me.)

don’t know the year – boxes are notorious for having NO or inaccurate info – as far as I can tell, it was likely produced before it was common to even sell VHS of porno. I think I have a copy here, but was unable to ascertain any real info from the credits, either.

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