so, not that my blogging A.D.D. doesn’t have enuf distractions to keep me from following up on other projects (posting the backlog of postcards i’ve received – thanks, guys, btw; updating director pages; adding a few pornstar pages….) – now i’ve decided i want to collect vintage gay t-shirts. chances of finding these are slim, so i’m at least going to post pics of some interesting ones. I must’ve looked through 20 copies of old IN TOUCH magazines yesterday trying to find this image to re-scan into a better (and larger) file size, but never re-found it. and now i’m thinking, which would be cooler, to have this shirt, or to have a shirt with this entire image, Gordon Grant wearing the shirt?
so, any of you guys holding on to some old t-shirts you want to send my way? or maybe just pics of you wearing them?
One reply on “locker room w/ gordon grant”
I’d buy 20.