how cool to have this shirt, from Wakefield Poole’s store/gallery/hair salon Hot Flash of America!
note the take off of the Arm and Hammer logo
how cool to have this shirt, from Wakefield Poole’s store/gallery/hair salon Hot Flash of America!
note the take off of the Arm and Hammer logo
directed by: Gorton Hall (1974)
Starring: W. Paris, Jerry Fields, Chuck Ballard, Jamie DeSeguin; with Jim Davis, Erick J. Murphy, Rob Andrews, Jeremy Willis, Danny Brewer, Jody Spencer
Opening credits roll as Love Unlimited’s Love’s Theme plays; Under The Influence of Love, also from Love Unlimited, plays during the clip above; other music on the soundtrack includes The Carpenters and Pink Floyd.
can these guys dance, or what?
Big Max (star of Colt’s Grease Monkeys with Bruce Craig and Tom Blake – very very hot film), or Mike Spanner (star of Target’s Dunes with Nick Poulos), or Sam “Max” Pasco (solo star of the rumored Cli-Max) or just get yourself a massage by calling 212-255-8763.
where’s the Menz Bar?
kayaking lessons to the gentleman who sent this one