
bus number 5 from Kyoto Station (or, we can all be asshole, sometime)

if you’ve been paying attention, and i know you have, you’ve noticed i’ve been asking, well no, pleading for some postcard love. and i love postcards – giving and receiving (totally versatile here – hey! stop laughing!) and yeah, i’ve gotten 3 in just the past week alone. woo-hoo! and I’ve also been on a certain bearwebsite flirting with various boys and asking for postcards all week. then the other night, i wake up at 2 or 3 am, i don’t remember exactly when, go online, chat briefly with another bearguy and ask for a postcard, go to the fridge, and find a postcard i got some weeks ago. i re-read it, smile, and look up the guy on that website, click on his profile, take a quick read, and realize the time, and try to get back to sleep. the next night, online (surprise), looking at men (surprise) and get a message (actual surprise!) “Hey asshole, i sent you a postcard a few weeks ago, and you never thanked me!”

ruh roh! ! so i start to type, hemmna hemmna, er, um, gee, you won’t believe this but i swear just last night i took the card off the fridge to remind me to say, well, er, sorry, i guess i’m just an asshole, how can i, er, make it up to you? oh, jeez, maybe by starting to say THANKS!??!

yikes. but he was more than totally cool about it, and we chatted, about his traveling, and other stuff, and he’s even promised more postcards to my undeserving hairy ass (wait, what does that mean?) —– and by the way, he did NOT call me an asshole; too classy for that – i just occasionally embellish. excuse me while i take my ten-incher to the urinal….

– so, wanna see for yourself if i’m an asshole? send me somethin’!


scan this

yeah! got some postcards this week already – need to hook up the scanner, but remember:

(rerun alert:) postcards and other mailed things are VERY MUCH APPRECIATED – so so send me somethin’!

grrrrrr…. had no idea the scanner hadn’t been used since last time this machine crashed, time to find the disc, and re-install. exciting, right?


Lee Brubaker

late last night, i was asked what would be the ONE Al Parker movie someone has to have in their collection; needless to say, I quickly said Turned On!, as it’s in my top ten list. now I’m all dreamy about the minor (in terms of screentime) co-star, Lee Brubaker, who seems to have made only one appearance in film. sigh. I hope to repost the “Turned On Cub” scene in the next day or two.


so familiar……

guy on top is sooooooooooooooooo familiar. I have my suspicions (hmmm, wrong word? makes it sounds like he’s doing something he ought not, and in fact, i’d say he ought to do THIS more often!) anyhoo, any guesses, boys? I’ll post the only other pics I have of who I think this is later this weekend to see if anyone agrees with my guess (rerun alert:) postcards and other mailed things are VERY MUCH APPRECIATED – so so send me somethin’!

"vintage" porn stars tattoo

grrr, tanline

(rerun alert:) postcards and other mailed things are VERY MUCH APPRECIATED – so so send me somethin’!


lthr n frr

so sleepy – i’d crawl back into bed, but looks like my date here is dressing to go out

(rerun alert:) postcards and other mailed things are VERY MUCH APPRECIATED – so so send me somethin’!


yeah yeah, i know

i’m sure you’ve seen this pic, or some form of it, many times, and certainly several times here. but MAN O MAN! such a nice photograph – obvious stuff like nice cock, lightly furry belly, muscular, but not overdone. but its not just the man, but the photo itself, the angle, the, what i would call “avenue of access” – just about all i want to see, and all i want to get my face in, on, under is right there – delicious hairy ass, balls over my face, cock throbbing above, as I grab his boots, move up to his hard calves, nibble a bit on each, and…. (rerun alert:) did I mention already that postcards are VERY MUCH APPRECIATED – so so send me one!