Gordon Grant

“oh my god, it’s gordon grant”

My apologies if you were at the Sunday 3pm showing of The Kids Are Alright at Chelsea Cinemas when I loudly gasped – Oh My God – IT’S GORDON GRANT!!

Later, sitting in the dark theater after the film ended and the credits rolled, I was disappointed that they listed “Best of COLT vol 3 and 4”, the collection, not the actual film, Colt Films’ Flatbed . But still, how often do you get to see GORDON GRANT on the big screen these days??!

4 replies on ““oh my god, it’s gordon grant””

i took the liberty of editing your post to go directly to the Gordon Grant post over there (I had to scroll though several pages of hairless skinny nekkid men before i got to Mr Grant!)

LOL – should have guessed you’d immediately recognize the actors. :) Do you have a link to this scene at all on your blog??

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