"vintage" porn stars

pull that sock a little closer, mike

a reader (yes, i get read!) reminded me that I had promised to reveal the source of the great Mike Morris exercising pic from a few weeks back. I stumbled upon the VGMH (vintage gay male history) site some time ago, I think while looking for something on Al Parker, but then I found this post on Mike Morris. While he doesn’t say so, I think the original pics are from “Arnold’s Bodybuilding for Men”. Anyhoo, it’s a pretty cool site. While I have to admit that I get a little uneasy at 1990’s porn stars being called “vintage”, you’ll soon find out what the best part of this site is – just click any of the pics you like, and you’ll more likely than not get a HUGE version of the pic, as you’ll see when you click Mike above and go to the post on Mr Morris. Enjoy (and tell him BJ sent you).