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  • Dreamer /(1975)
  • Sins of Johnny X/ (1975)
  • Pool Party/ (1975)
  • Two Days in a Hot Place/ (1975) (alias Ty Winslow?)
  • Passing Strangers/ (1975)
  • Forbidden Letters/ (1976)
  • Kansas City Trucking Co./ (1976)
  • Take One/ (1977)
  • El Paso Wrecking Corps./ (1977)
  • Gemini/ (1978)
  • L.A. Tool and Die/ (1979)
  • Cruisin' the Castro/ (1981)
  • Sixty Niner/ (1982)
  • Best of the Superstars/ (1982)
  • Heatstroke/ (1982)
  • Daddy Dearest/ (1984)
  • J. D. Slater's VIDEO SIN (1988) ???
  • J. D. Slater's GUILTY (1988) ???
  • Diamond Stud/ (1995)
The Master Sergeant (1979) The Businessman (1979) *Author of*:
  • In the Heat of Passion: How to Have Hotter, Safer Sex/ (Leyland Publications, 1987)
  • Locke Out: The Collected Writings of *Richard Locke*/ (Firsthand Books, 1993)
*Creator and/or Featured Performer* *in:* live shows, such as /The Valley of Orgasm/, from the Century Theatre to the Bijou *Volunteer in*: Ward 5B of San Franciso General Hospital (designated for People With AIDS in the 1980s); volunteer specialty: massage "In liberating myself, I was also liberating others, maybe only for a little time, but, as they say, it is better to have loved for a moment, than never to have known love at all...I didn't do it for the money." -- from the essay "Legacy" in /Locke Out/ (113-114) And from the November 1980 issue of /Skin/ magazine: "I've been involved with gay liberation a lot of my life, and I believe that pornography is just an extension of that. I want to share my love with everybody, and share myself with everybody. But I don't want to be on a pedestal. I want people to know I'm a real person." *Search for* (or add to) info on Richard at the Internet Movie Database *Enjoy*: Photos, articles, and personal remembrance of some classic films here. *Browse* a memoriam of performers here . .