who you may remember from such films as:
- Folsom Street Sex (1990)
- Manrites (1994)
- Sex in Dangerous Places (1994)
- Shop Sex (1994)
- Man to Man (1995)
- Copsucker (1996)
- Red Dog Saloon (1997)
- Uniforms M4M (1998)
(another post languishing in “drafts” folder – there’s a lot more to Wigler’s career than this post, of course, but if I wait any longer, it will be 3 more years and no discernible difference!)
I will readily acknowledge that I did not know he directed porno flicks, even though I know quite well I’ve enjoyed Copsucker (the title alone, plus Donnie Russo – I mean, c’mon!) Anyway, I was familiar with him as an excellent photographer, and now that I am trying to be better about researching and acknowledging who created the sexy photos I like to post, that’s when I discovered his work as a director. Most of what pops up when I search my own hard drive for “Wigler” is going to be Drummer magazines I’ve sold over the years (and some Bear-related zines as well); plus some videotapes where he played a different role than director, like Dildo Boot Pigs, (how can you not love that title) where he handled videography, editing, and score! Oh, and 90’s HONCHO magazines… and… you can see why stuff gets tuck in drafts – always more research.